Separate names with a comma.
Here are pictures of the connector. This is the connector closest to the top of the hatch/glass (near antenna). This is for the left wire loom....
This is the wire loom I bought from eBay. This came from a 2008 according to the listing and has the wire connectors for the OEM camera. See the...
Yes, that is the hatch wiring loom. I spent a good 30-45 minutes trying to unravel the spaghetti electrical tape wiring yesterday just to get the...
ItBland, Just to confirm, you’re saying the m14 connector (larger one) is missing from the base MFD? I haven’t taken the dash apart yet to look in...
V, Hopefully these pictures help you and others out. I'm in the process of switching over the base MFD to the high res version so it can be...
Yes I’m new to the gen 2 forums and hybrids in general. I tried this method and it seems to have worked. I haven’t heard any noise coming from...
Just sightly over 127,000. Anything that might be remotely causing this issue?
This time was less than 10mph. Closer to 0. The harder I pressed the brake, the more the engine sounded like it was reving
ItBland, Thank you! I’m going to print this out and study this. I didn’t realize it was going to be this involved. I’m too far in this...
Had it happen again today coming to a stop light. As I was applying more pressure the engine sounded like it was reving higher. I only had 2...
I’m going to follow this thread. I have a creaking noise similar to a few others here. It only happens during braking while turning or braking...
Can’t say for sure, but I think it’s usally 30 mph or lower when I’m trying to come to a complete stop.
Small update: I’ll need to find the reverse wire. Got into the secret menu and REV says “off” while in reverse.
Definitely will do! I was planning on taking the pictures for a more up to date how to posting if it worked.
I also would like to see if others have had this issue.... In the past 2 months I’ve had the Prius, it feels like it has lost braking...
Thanks. I’ll take a look!
Has anyone experienced a front end creaking/groaning noise while braking? I don’t hear the noise unless I apply the brakes and make a turn or...
I snagged a high res MFD. I am hoping it works (both the actual MFD and the camera). So now before I take everything apart, I need to run the...
To add to this.... Somewhere I was reading here that all you’ll need is to run a wire from the reverse signal relay somewhere underneath the...