Separate names with a comma.
Sorry for the late reply, 1. No Tech info does not provide EASY replacement. 2. YES solved the issue by replacing knock sensor, MIL off.
2010 Gen 3 Prius - Base Rear electric defroster not working. Need Help finding fuse/relay and other troubleshooting suggestions.
My 2010 Gen3 Prius, rear defroster not working, could you please help me finding the fuse or relay, I dont see any in under the hood fuse box.
Hi pEEf, Could you please send the link to your TPMS Gen3 paperclip mod, and also how to recognize TPMS ECU ?
Knock sensor was bad, Code P0328. Just replaced the sensor and no MIL, fingers crossed :)
2010 Prius Gen 3 ============= Just replaced the knock sensor, all toyota documents suggest to remove TB, Intake manifold, drain coolant etc....
I found the location and replaced the sensor. To access sensor you have to remove the wiper assembly , sensor is toward the passenger side and...
yes I have obd code P2196. I need to replace upstream oxygen sensor (air fuel ratio sensor). Is it on driver side or passenger, anyone has any...
I have a 2010 Prius with 160k km, need to install new Air Fuel Ratio (AF) sensor, got the original Denso sensor, can somebody please guide me how...
I fixed the windows by relearn procedure of windows and all the windows are working fine. My real issue at this time is I have two code P2196 and...
Thanks for the advice. Cleaned the throtlebody and MAF. But after doing that, now I am getting Knock Sensor P0328 code, plus the P2196. I could...
Thanks. Is exhaust manifold under the air box or toward back of the engine ? Any advice on other codes and blinking master switch ?
Private Seller so no I cant take it back.
NEED HELP. Just bought this car, while driving for the first time, engine light came on, Mileage is 160,000 Km. Scanned the car with tech stream...
If no engine light but code present, is the car ECU in limp mode (not adjusting fuel/air ratio etc. just running with default settings) ?
Airbag harness was replaced by the dealer before I purchased the car, previous owner told me airbag light was on and she took it to dealer and...
I appreciate your detailed replies and kind words. which sensor reports the intake air temp and its location ? I am sure it wasn't 97F, it wasnt...
Fist of all thank you so much for your help, you are very kind and very knowledgeable. regarding your comments : "This may be a little tricky...
All codes still active, if you need any more details pls write the techstreem steps so I can pull and post. Thanks.
Hello Bob Three Code P3002 P1636 C1213 Freez frame data attached (no C1213 FF data ) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]