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Heck no I do not mind. I do all sorts of body work as well but for now Just a full good manual is all I need. Mine is second gen 2004 model....
If these lines were damaged would it still be possible to ready up occasionally and have the car move? But by all means I will disable the HV...
Thank you Patrick: I will look tomorrow strange that there would be damage there but look I will. Thanks guys
No I do not have that I have most of the service manual, do not know if the codes are listed.Im still waiting for the Grid Charger to top up the...
I finally received the scanner and software. Wow now I can pick some brains on this unit. HV battery U0100...
Thanks I check that out. Thank Patrick
Well I have had it to the point where I could drive it short distances. But need to get the ICE to run. Now my main is low enough that all...
I'm unable to do anything, beyond key on and ready is not always lit, the big battery is real low but 12 is full. I will post codes as soon as my...
I have many refers in the manual but no physical location divers side under hood?
Oh ya I can find it in wiring diagram But where is it physically. It refers to it about 6 places .Left side under hood?
Still tiring to get the ICE to run and what to trace the voltage to this relay. Some users call it fuel relay other call it different names. I...
It happens all the time since I got the car it never shows less than full blinking. What I want to know is the blinking normal??
When the 04 Prius is turned on the Gauge starts at one small left bar (empty) then Jumps to all bars lit (full) and starts to blink , and blink,...
Ok so no running ice yet. On the gas gauge it starts on one low bar then goes to all bars flashing and continues to flash is this a fuel problem ?
I have that Patrick and I agree about towing it, its kind of silly I buy the grid charger.
I can turn ICE by hand all fuses check (with meter) correct amperage. Car will move with battery but Main is really low now 1 bar. 12 is good...
Beachbummm Thanks Thats what I thought but the only shut off is reset when battery 12 volt is reset.I'll keep looking the battery is fine and...
I found this hope it helps: Bear68 Senior Member Easter Egg Time.... Anybody wanna reset the fuel gauge inclination sensor? Make sure your fuel...
I still have not looked at the gas tank hookup but, it makes sense that the car was serviceable until got smacked in the rear. Very minor damage...
I am thinking the problem is physical damage to the tank/wires I will check that tomorrow. And yes the whole gas graph blinks. I'll check the tank...