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I am getting codes C1252, C1256, C1391. I believe the actuator pump needs changed. Replacement seems straightforward enough. Where can I get a...
P.S. I felt confident enough to remove the blue Also cleaner at Walmart is $6
I left the 12 V plugged in over night after installing the new fusible link box. I tried to start it in the morning and only got a few lights on...
Yes I have the main black fuse box cover. The car was not used without cover installed. It’s doesn’t fit perfectly and is a bit difficult to get...
Thank you, that was not there to begin with. I wonder if I can replace?
I’ve got voltmeter, a 750 amp jump starter and my wife’s car if s jump is needed. It’s been measuring 12V and 11.8 with high beams on.
Can you provide pic of exactly what you’re talking about?
Should I leave the 12V Hooked up overnight or disconnect ground?
Thank you fuses and spray tomorrow.
I installed the new fusible link box. I was able to get accessory on but no further. I have headlights and door locks but no start. I am going to...
I bought the car four years ago and have put almost 70,000 miles on it since. I had the hybrid replaced once and 12V twice. I changed the...
The part came in a day early. I got the old one out pretty easily. Hardest part was getting the two white plugs out of the bottom. I also broke...
My New fusible link box assembly arrives Wednesday. I will install, reconnect the 12 volt and check the remaining fuses then. I did visual checks...
Thank you. Can you instruct me how to check all fuses?
Yes, water has definitely been in the fuse box and I will seal it and the hood where water is coming in going forward. I ordered one on Amazon for...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Here is the pic of the broken fuse I found.
Yes, nothing is turning on even my dashboard. The only sound I hear is the brake assembly I believe getting power. I found a broken and corroded...
I found this broken fuse. Could this be my whole issue? Can I replace?
Connections look good. Voltmeter reads 12.38 on the battery with and without lights turned on with high beams. I also don’t see any lights. Only...
I’m in a jam. 2005 Prius 155,000 miles. Replaced hybrid three years ago with green bean battery. It has a lifetime warranty. Recently I started...