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what i have notice is the shutter wings were always in open position, may be there was some kind of dirt on it i dont know. also when i removed...
is there any way to bypass grille shutter? may be there is some way to connect wires together, and start the car without check engine light
i just checked and it moves, but i cant turn motor head itself its stuck
should it move with hands freely? it stucks open
today i checked fuses all fuses are ok. also i checked connector wires and it has 12v on it. i think shutter motor died
its 2016 prius, i don't know if it has some kind of fuse that's giving power to grill. is there any way to bypass active grill? also its very...
hello friends my car gave me a little surprise today, everything was working fine but suddenly check engine lights comes on, when i checked it was...
ok guys i figured out the problem, it seems previous owner changed 1 headlight and it from different trim model. different trim models have...
hello friends please look at pic, one of headlights has angle eyes. other one does not, may be it has some kind of fuse or realy to turn it on?...
thanks friends the problem was solved, it was a 20 amp fuse issue i changed it and pump works nicely
i will be very thankful if you will show me how to check wiring? because as i bave alteady checked the connector 12v is coming through it
its 2016, 4 gen prius. you think it may be wiring problem?
hello guys i got these codes, changed the water pump but without results. relay is good, all fuses in engine box are good. i took off the pump...
thanks for quick reply, one more detail, the harness was damaged and i repair it. i dont know may be i made some mistake while soldering. today i...
hello guys my parking system is not working, its fully disabled no front no rear sensors are working. i got DTC C1AEE i have no an idea what does...
does it mean i have to change control module? techstream did not show any codes about control module.
guys i removed the front bumper only, but as you can see on this pic, the rear ones are also undetected i wonder why?
guys the problem was solved the problem was with head unit, changed it and sound comes back
guys please tell me according to this pic does it mean that my parkings are working or not?
it seems i have to change head unit because it has sone problem