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Dear chapman, Thank you for your long reply, however, as nice as it is Im still at fault. I didn't say or ask anything wrong. Not at all. I...
And color me stupid. I thought this was a car forum.
Oh wow. Maybe you should look back not to far at your own posts. And teling me I'm off I'm my meds? Wow, just wow.
And I don't recall ever saying the word attack, or anyone attacked anyone. Please don't accuse, this is suppose to be a friendly chat right.? And...
Maybe you should ask a Prius dealer, an expert, what they are. A hybrid has differences from another car, which you've reluctantly in your...
You are incorrect. I contacted the Prius dealer. idling does NOT charge the battery like a regular car.
Thanks. You replying is appreciated, truely. Rememer this a forum for first time owners. But I sincerely appreciate your reply, ty. I do think you...
Wow. I don't want to google it or any other internet search. Any car owner can use the Internet, not just google, or owners manual. I thought...
I don't know what a smart charger is, and yes original battery. It's 2010 and never had a problem until this winter, which was probably created...
I LOVE my Prius. The look, the hatchback, the mpg, the roominess, well everything about it. I didn't buy it because I'm an environmentalist, it...