Separate names with a comma.
refuse to accept the addon. Use to research out the invoice cost for the vehicle with options. This will arm you with better...
Welcome and enjoy the new car. Can't beat So Cal weather.
Congrtas on your new Prius. You did your homework and it payed off.
I live in WI and we have had 50 plus inches of snow this winter. Have had no problems at all with the stock tires. I don't have to deal with...
It's great, two tanks of gas and hundreds of miles traveled and still less than one tank would normally cost. Even in the Frozen Tundra I have the...
I think the temprature has the biggest affect. First tank 30 plus degrees 46 mpg. Last tank temps around zero 42 mpg and just filled it up this...
When you program mine you have to keep pressing the homelink until it flashes, this happens after it stays on solid. try that
Where in Wisconsin? I agree on the weather. Yesterdays high was -3, kind of a oxymoron (negative high)
The rust under the drivers door looks like a dent. You can see slight vertical scratches throug the dent. You can have the dent fixed by a body...
You gotta love and continue to buy from a company like that. They did not have to do anything. A lot can be learned from quality customer service
You should be able to purchase for invoice. or will get you close. The only difference will be destination/shipping charges to...
Welcome, I just purchased a 08 black. I agree it's too much fun. Congrats on the first tank mileage.
So far no problems in Madison. It has been just fine in snowy conditions and some ice with the OEM tires, but I have driven in Wisconsin winters...
2008 Black first tank was 45.9 mpg even in the frozen tundra. First fill-up was $17.00, much better than $40.00 plus we averaged on Lexus before....