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UPDATE: I purchased a grid charger, my HV was at 199v right underneath threshold. I am now able to start the car and drive it. I still have a...
Now that I do know all of this from several people telling me, my uncle is a 20+ year electrician and may try to charge/replace a few cells. I’m...
No if I try to engage drive it’ll go for a second but the car acts like the break is on and moves a tiny bid forward but does not spin the wheels...
My engine turns over for approximately 20 seconds. What other information is needed at this point? I was unaware that I could charge the battery...
I hooked my charger to the jump and a ground.
So trickle charging the HV battery now. I’m still getting the p0340 after swapping out every component is what doesn’t make sense. I get p0340...
It all started when I hit a bump in he road that pushed me into a curb. This bent my right passenger control arm. I fixed this and the car seemed...
It started at the top and I watched it drop bars to 0 in maybe 20 seconds
It’s an amg battery, I’ve made a couple of other forums sorry for the skipping of P0340 aka camshaft position sensor low voltage
My auxiliary battery is draining instantly got a brand new one and same thing. Been going at this for two weeks now started with crankshaft...
The original ecm was okay, but the sensor wasn’t getting any voltage for the crankshaft position sensor. I tried the reset procedure where you...
I just recently replaced the ECM due to a bad lead causing it not to read my position sensor. Now I'm getting a code that says lost connection...
So changed out the sensor and the downstream connector and now it’s still throwing that code in addition to, c1259 and c1310
P0335, I installed a new crankshaft sensor to no avail. Checked voltage and am getting 0 at the connector so removed the connector to test the...