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Hello, I currently have a 2006 Prius with the built in navigation. Today when I start up the car, the map display is in a repeated loop of...
So I just tested the new iphone 4 connected to the sl2i, and I found that: - With the bumper case on, the cable wouldn't even connect to the...
Also, does it give you a warning and ask you to turn the iphone 3G into airplane mode when you first plug it in? If not, that's another plus!
Wow, from the person's description that sounds completely lame...
Yes Well, I have an iphone, so I don't know if an Ipod acts the same, but you cannot use the ipod functions while it is connected.
MP3 Yes I can (use the steering wheel controls) Yes I can Yes I do You can change songs/etc with up and down controls on the steering wheel...
I have never used DICE, but I can give some more info about VAIS SL2i... The screen above from VAIS, that is not the default view. You have to...
No problem here when using the nav, either.
I have a Prius 2006 too, and both my iphone and 3g works just fine receiving calls from bluetooth (doesn't answer phone automatically)
Not true - see the iphone 3g/sl2i thread for more details :) I can charge my 3G with the upgrade cable now.
In case anybody wondered... I finally got the time to have it installed today and the upgrade cable does exactly what you think it does: charge...
AgoraCart 4.0K-4b Standard* I don't think you can direct link to specific items in their store... but it's easy to find.
It's on their online store too :o I ordered it there and it should arrive next Monday! Can't wait to be able to charge my phone in the car again...
FYI - the upgrade cable has been out! I sent them an email asking about the price and it's $30. You have to call them up on the phone and order...
While I never encountered your specific case, I agree that bluetooth connection is inconsistent at times. You don't need to completely repair the...
Edit: double post
I have no problems paring my 3G iphone to my 06 prius either.
Sli2 with iPhone 3G - VAIS Technology Forum According to this thread, they're looking into an adapter that will fix this problem.
Same here... really a bummer :(
I don't have it, but in the very same page that you linked to, just above the video: "HAVE A SCREEN BUT DON'T HAVE NAV? NO PROBLEM. The ULTIMATE...