Separate names with a comma.
Taken out of context? All the quotes are fully cited and sourced. Try clicking on the links. Muller already spoke for himself - those are his words!
Finally admits it? He always believed this, "Let me be clear. My own reading of the literature and study of paleoclimate suggests strongly that...
The Truth about Richard Muller
Climate Money: The Climate Industry: $79 billion so far – trillions to come (PDF) The US government has spent over $79 billion since 1989 on...
So you believe science should be a religion and everything taken on faith? The results you are referring to have not stood up to independent...
Wrong (oh and skeptics are not deniers) and have explained this extensively, Climate Change Reconsidered (PDF) (868 pgs) (NIPCC) No skeptics...
Peak Oil is a Myth, [media] Oil, Oil Everywhere... (The Wall Street Journal) 'Peak Oil' Is a Waste of Energy (The New York Times) Political...
Yes I am well aware that you call everyone who disagrees with you a troll, none of this changes basic economics. I am also well aware of green...
No they haven't. Please see the truth about Fenton Communications I mean..., The Truth about
They are entitled to their criticisms of the Prius (which were valid) and I doubt their second-hand smoke episode killed anyone but regardless...
Being Green - Bullshit!
That is your argument? Seriously?
The planet may be, Easier to find oil (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) Hydrocarbons in Deep Earth? (Carnegie Institution) New Evidence...
NBC Twists Facts, Again, About Glacier Park (Patrick J. Michaels, Ph.D. Climatology) Receding Glacier Park Ice Not Due to Global Warming (The...
Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions? (PDF) (Richard S. Lindzen, Ph.D. Professor of Atmospheric Science, MIT) For a...