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I did that earlier, 42 front 40 rear, where I keep them Now just the triangle on dash is on and car/! icon on mfd is only thing on
I just drove it around a little, and it's defiantly traction control issue I think . My driveway is icy , and when I accelerate slowly the...
Thanks I just had 4 new tripletreads put on a week ago, my 3rd set, plus rear shocks. Oh boy, I guess the joy is over! It only has 85k on...
Boy it's been a while since I've been on the site, I had to make a new account ect. My problem is after 9 years of flawless operation, I had a...
Thank you so much for the replies. I just did the "hold the button in the up " trick and it's fine now I brought the manual in the house a few...
I had my toyota dealer replace my 6 year old little 12 Volt battery a few days ago, and now my drivers side window will not go down or up in atuo...
Thanks for posting this thread. I've been having starting issues since the cold weather arrived. My prius is 6 y/o, and the onboard battery check...