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See for a description of a similar experience gone wrong. There are photos of the parts in question in the Brakes sections.
Anyone have trouble with the ODO/Trip button yet? Mine seems to work only when it feels like it. Is there an easy fix? I’ll even settle for a...
I’m running my second set of Michelin Harmony tires on an '03. The first set lasted 80,000 miles. 38 psi is getting me 45+mpg, better than the...
I hope things worked out for Allan – any updates?
Something to consider – brake fluid is hydroscopic - it picks up moisture. Not overnight, but it will over time. Years ago the recommendation was...
There is a bearing in the upper strut mount that starts to rattle/clunk after a while.
180,000+ Miles on a 2003 It’s not the battery you need to worry about – however, the complex hydraulic braking system has some high repair costs.