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Just finished 4363 miles US NW Loop trip during 7/11 ~ 7/24/2008, Visiting 6 National Parks in Six States, statistics is Total Mileage: 4363...
I have filled up 7 times in last 10 months, but never over 10 galloons due to expander inside the gas tank, will it cause problem when I check...
Thanks,:):wave: Halmaden 3/11/08
I just bought a ScanGauge II for my 2007 Prius, which mode I need to select in set up MORE>MORE>MODE?:) Thanks for your! Halmaden 3/10/08
Thanks for your detailed info. --Halmaden:)
Anybody can tell me how much is tax incentive for 2007 Prius in CA? or where to download tax form. Thank, Halmaden:)