Separate names with a comma.
I've used TomTom for about a year now with my huge-screen PocketPC (HP-iPAQ 4700) . With the most recent update I can even use TomTom's premium...
All potentially useful but I'd personally HATE having that butt-ugly cable from the player to the center of the dash in the way. I'll stick to my...
I've got: hardwood & carpet a husky who sheds enough hair to weave at minimum five new dogs a year. a roomba a Dyson Animal The Roomba flips...
ah yes, forgot about the smart links here... no cutting/pasting required. ok folks, click away and click the lead message to open the video.
Take a look at this - interesting... What, PRECISELY, makes 'tier 1' gasolines worth the premium price?...
If I understand it correctly, what Chevy's done is let the elecric moter kick on at a full stop to maintain things like AC, stereo and other...
Tell you what, Nate -- Buy the Hummer, crush it, post the photos of you crushing it, then I'll send you $5.00
SE/SS I've got... I also have high frequency hearing loss from too much loud music in the 80's. The beep is all but useless unless there is no...
Well I guess I've not done too badly. It took four months (since late June) but I finally join the ranks of those of you who have walked away and...
I've also heard nasty tales of metal films interfering with cell phones. I do not see any problems of this sort with my metal tint. Terry
Steering wheel mode button through to CD Changer (stereo things the adapter is a CD Changer) so you click toggle in this order...
Also tinted my Tideland with a metal based film as dark as legal here in TX. I was VERY pleasantly pleased with the way it blends so well with...
it's dark or I'd go out and look but I'm certain it's there... Open that door (from the outside) look at the edge/back of the door, not the...
Oh I used it, just to be rebellious. Terry
One time when it can come in very handy is in a near-emergency stop. I've had someone stop-dead in front of me on a major highway, for no obvious...
Hi there Hillco, The comany that makes iPod2Car also makes a device called Aux2Car. Don't...
and the point to this dance would be....?
The backup beep CAN be removed. I've done it, using a protocol described here on priuschat. Search for it... it's available and fairly simple....
It also helps if you think of the lesson I try to teach my anatomy students... The nose on your face is an 'air conditioner' it warms and...
I heard back in just a couple of days... there used to be a phone number posted... might try a search.