Separate names with a comma.
Last Chance to See by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine
On the other hand, making it more difficult for pedestrians to cross the street will only encourage them to drive places. Which is the bigger...
Well... in hindsight, I should have copied and posted my results. I was in the general vicinity of -4,-4. Within a few tenths, anyway. I was...
OK, I hope you are reading this before voting... Take this test, it's 6 pages, shouldn't take too long. Plug your results into the poll here......
[/b] You can get an EZ-Pass from any state that offers it, it'll work on the entire network. I got mine from MA (they call it Fast Lane), and it...
People doing dumb nice person stuff and then whining about getting caught. :P
I don't know. Last time I bought a TiVo, a series 1 box was $200 something, and then lifetime was another $200. Lifetime is non-transferable, and...
Actually, it makes more sense to reply directly to the post you are responding to, using multiple posts if responding to multiple posts. This way,...
I've only been in one car that had such an indicator. A Nissan Xterra, it had a SET light next to the CRUISE light. My dad's previous car (a...
Inbound our outbound? My signature is hosted on my personal computer on port 8042, so if it's outbound that's probably it.
It is just another opinion. Is the nonsense that Fred Phelps spews hate speech? I'd say it is. Is it constitutionally protected speech in the...
Thunder stolen! So I'll go with π.
Wow. Grow up, seriously. You were trying to get ahead in the breakdown line (which, mind you, is for broken down vehicles). Don't get angry when...
Well, that summary is a little off base... Google has guidelines about how a site presents itself in order to be listed. One of those is that the...
I suspect he is complaining about Domans by Proxy, a service GoDaddy sells through their site that hides whois information. I use it for my...
Because the server send you a redirect using the domain name. Quick overview of DNS: When you connect to another computer, you need to know its...
Well, my dad has a Garmin Nüvi, and I have the Prius's GPS. They both are nice. The Garmin has a harder to understand voice, but can speak...
I have the Trico Innovision wiper on the passenger side. It does seem to hug the windshield better, but I don't think I'll buy them again. Too...
I only use it for "display off" and occassionally "cancel all destinations". Works fine for those commands, though.
I disagree. A near miss is just that - a miss that happens to be near (instead of missing by a football field or something) Now, if you nearly...