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Last Tank Total Miles: 603 Last Tank Mileage Calculated: 60.3 Last Tank Mileage Display: 60.9 Overall Miles: 7716 Avg Tank Mileage: 55.14 Avg...
Toro cordless electric mulching mower. I've had it for seven years - replaced the battery once. It works perfectly. Unfortunately, I don't think...
60.3 mpg at 494 miles on this tank. The weird thing is that my last bar just started flashing. I last filled the tank with exactly 10 gallons, and...
Yes, if I can reach 600 miles again, I'll do that. For my first several tanks, I've been resetting the display each day. I wanted to get an idea...
With my most recent tank, I drove 65 miles beyond when the last bar started flashing. This was my first 600 mile tank with a mpg average of 56. I...
I just recorded my first 600 mile tank (actually 601.4) on a tank filled to 10.6 gallons. I refilled today with 10.75 gallons. I drove 65 miles...
Tank miles: 601.4 Overall Miles: 1996 Avg Tank Mileage: 55.9 Avg Overall Mileage: 52.3 Avg Temperature: 25 -70 Very pleased with my first...
I've only filled three times but here's what I did with each: 1st: last bar flash @ 402 miles; filled at 407 mi.; pumped 7.93 gallons 2nd:...
So, the short answer to the original question is that it's looking like I'll be willing to drive as far as display mpg x gallons at last fillup....
Got to try the "Tempus" approach to refueling. I like that! John's approach (and chart) is certainly the safe way to anticipate refueling. I...
I also find the energy and mpg monitors to be addictive. I'd never turn them off because it adds a lot to the fun of driving. Yes, a regular car's...
My door tag says 12/03. The dealer received the car on 2/2/04. Tideland AM in Colorado
R - Thanks for all the info on your fillups, miles, etc. I'm trying to understand, as we all are, how the bladder and fuel gauge work. Accumulated...
Rockluvr - I am also in Colorado (Boulder), and I've been averaging over 50 mpg for my first two tanks. I purchased the car earlier this month....
Here's another first tank experience: gauge read full when I picked up the new car last week, though I obviously don't know exactly how full....