Separate names with a comma.
In that case, I am in favor of higher gas prices.
All I can say is that I am truly surprised that this kind of post would show up on this website.
I am in Martinez and have a silver one. I work at EBMUD where we now have about 50 Prius's total including classics and 04s. Dave
We had a really good buying experience at Hanlees Toyota in Richmond. We have our two Toyotas serviced at Concord Toyota and they are pretty decent.
my company has over 50 in its fleet.
Bob, I work in the Water Conservation Department of a water company in the San Francisco Bay area. I happen to know that the Seattle Water...
two words--attic fan Danny, Hot air floats to the top and attics are notorious for storing hot air long into the night. The dark colored roof...
I live in the Bay Area where there are lots of Priis. To give you some prospective during our 22 mile drive home we typically see 5-10 or...
My company received 19 2004 Prius's on monday for the pool car fleet. Some manager's also got additional ones assigned to them. We had about 10...
Age: 35 Occupation: Civil/Mechanical Engineer Religion: Agnostic Hobbies: Tennis, Radio Controlled Airplanes Favorite Bands/Artists:...
Hi Miniracer, We got ours from Hanless Hiltop in Richmond. They were very nice and being a smaller dealer than Berkeley don't have as many people...
I was able to get my Prius in just over a month by registering with multiple dealers. I told each dealer what I was doing and only one required a...
I thought he was hilarious as well, but I gotta compliment that guy. It took tremendous guts. I went to Berkeley as an engineering student too,...
Date Ordered: December 27 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Hanlee's Hilltop Toyota, Richmond, CA Timeframe given for delivery: Unsure...
Efusco, Relax The Back has many different cushions and seat attachments. Both my wife and I use items from them. I use a memory foam and she...
Check out They may have a cushion or seat attachment to help you.