Separate names with a comma.
Did it myself. The hood went on fine, the bumper was a PIA. 20/20 hindsight says use an installer. At least if they screw it up they have to...
The claim was the ashes would go back as the fertilizer. When you think about it, plants are great storehouses of energy. With solarpanels &...
...but looking for facts usually means reading stuff written by others with their own biases & opinions. Going with the flow? Well, no matter...
I read through a very long and heated debate once about bio-fuels and if they are really a viable renewable resource. The contention: If you...
A question about a supeconducting track: If your track was cooled to liquid nitrogen temperatures, how would you keep the ice from building up...
I grew up in the 70s & remember the oil embargo (through a child's eyes). For a time, cars did get smaller & there was conservation efforts. But...
Maybe a little over the top, Dan, but enjoyable nonetheless. ...And back then (when chat rooms were the local pub) they sat around and...
Amen. Imagine a presidential candidate saying "We must cut our energy usage. You'll have to give up the lifestyle your used to, but it's for the...
Here is one place that has custom tropicals... Sorry, only found them surfing for covers myself. Don't know anything...
They're trying... (Yea, I know I've posted this several times. I'm fishing to see if anyone has...
I don't know if this technology is legit or not, but here's a place that can turn any organic refuse into oil......
You could have magnets on the track as well, but then you would need something else to propel the train. Also, magnets on a track would attract...
Just read over the material on the Maglev2000 website. I sense some overly optimistic math in their cost per mile calculations. My train ticket...
I take the train here in Los Angeles, and I've been to japan, with arguably one of the best mass transit systems in the world. But compared to...
Maybe it's a mistake to look to the big 3 to change. It's like asking NASA to build SpaceShipOne.
One of the best, level headed posts on the subject I've read. Good job, charlieh!
I wonder if "X-prize" type competitions could foster alternative energy development. 10 mil was enough incentive for 20+ teams to build rockets....
Instead of the seat moving back further, I would prefer the pedals to move a couple inches towards the engine. Don't think I'll do that mod...
I went to the dealer for the first oil change. I was armed with oil fill information from this board, but before I could warn him about...
Passion of the Christ was supposed to be a groundbreaking, get people talking movie, and though many saw it, I don't think the world changed much....