Separate names with a comma.
As requested, I've added a table at the bottom of listing basic CAN packet IDs and data byte...
The 'mystery" parameter comes from CAN ID 348, byte 5 (i.e 3rd one after the length) We don't seem to have a clear concensus on it so no point in...
You are quite right; I've swapped them to read correctly as of 8pm PST. While I am at it, the color coding of all graphs is something I will work...
OK, I just replaced the CAN code at the bottom of downloads ( with CCfeb126.hex (if you've done the...
Yup, you're right, MG2 2400 rpm at 42mph so MG1=-6240. Sorry. I have looked high and low in the past for MG1 specs and have never actually seen a...
Evan suggests that instead of X2 size display going blank at 255 mpg, it be infinity or at least '---' My limited X2 char set means I can't offer...
quick revision: last post had typo of MG2 instead of MG1 Ken has brought up a very interesting point here: just what is there about this 'magic'...
Ken has brought up a very interesting point here: just what is there about this 'magic' 42 mph limit? Without access to Toyota's design criteria,...
Not seeing an updated web-page is usualy your browser set to not check for new page every time; hitting the 'refresh' icon is the quickest fix....
Feb 9th: latest Beta test codes posted for those who like to take their CAN-videws indoors and talk to them. Adds instantaneous MPG in text,...
When I started this, the only programming option was Silabs development kit at $99 and I assumed very few would be interested, hence the add-on...
I've been busy trying to catch up with work and various requests. I suppose I never bothered with mpg as it seemed redundant with the Prius...
I'm getting there slowly. The reason I didn't put all parameters on all screens is that for each parameter a certain amount of code gets used and...
Hi Evan, not a problem. Rather than post something here where it will disappear when the thread evolves, I've tried adding something on my...
Hi Evan, I needed a means to select external video (camera, DVD) easily and so with no other buttons to use, I made the AUDIO button...
This just in folks, I just received another 10 sets of those stupid custom Toyota NAV connectors, so that means I can build another 10 with-NAV...
Evan, in your honor I shall make a new version which is unable to read the bus at all. It will be called the CANT-view.
I too would like a rational conclusion to this. Suppose I simply swap the charge and discharge limit labels. This then fits in nicely with what...
A note to those doing downloads. A serious bug in the Jan 17th Beta test code was pointed out: on entry into EV mode, the beeps sometimes stop...
One other item, it's been suggested that when you enter EV mode, you should jump to whatever CANview screen you were last on and not to either the...