Separate names with a comma.
I understand this Brad. I've already balanced the modules to bring them to their best individual SOC. Now that I'm reassembling the pack my...
It seemed to be in the middle of some different cut off's I've seen. Think 7500 is the better bet?
Hello all. I've been working my way through this thread and others working on my first rebuild. After many days running a single Hitec X4 i've...
Wouldn't happen to know the size of these off the top of your head would you? There's a fastenal down the street from my work, I could grab some...
I thought this was advised to equalize voltage. Is there a different step i should take to do this or just reorder the modules as/if required and...
Just wrapped up module balancing this morning. Went pretty smoothly. I used a HiTec X4. Lost power once and a bit of data but another cycle...
I'm headed off to a hobby shop in town that supposedly carries HiTec X4's. Hopefully they aren't crazy expensive, and I'd like to get the AC...
Excellent. Thanks for the advice!
The first weekend of tinkering on the car has come to a close and I figured I'd give you all a quick update. The pack is out of the car and I...
Wow. Excellent tips and advice from you all. What a welcome. Thank you! I definitely will grab that Mini VCI; I have an old beater laptop laying...
Thanks for the advice!
Hi all, I kind of stumbled into Prius ownership when a friends company decided they were going to offload a Prius they acquired through a...