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sounds good maylar - nice tip - and your's too bisco as I could have not fully connected the battery cables
HV - that's the hybrid battery? If so, that was replaced 2 years ago - so basically new. I'll check the 12v connections.
2006 model - sat for about 10 days - just replaced 12v battery - car starts, goes forward and reverse. However, when I put the car in drive I...
Yes, 12v is original. The hybrid battery, on the other hand, I had to replace about two years ago.
Sorry, may be the smart key term is not correct - that's the only one I am aware of. I don't have an automatice start (key in pocket) nor do I...
No key in pocket, nor touch door handle to lock and unlock -
I'll check for th SKS button - I don't recall there being one. I recall there's a button for what looks like a tire, but not for the keys. I've...
yes, both keys always worked fine (bought the car new off the lot) - a couple of weeks ago, now that I recall, one key, when you got close to the...
THanks, Maybe 'smart key' is the wrong term as I don't recall every seeing or having that button under the stearing wheel
Both my smart keys won't start my car - they won't even lock or unlock the doors. I replaced the batter in each key, but still nothing. When...
Thanks, I am in Champaign, Illinois - I only know of the Toyota dealership here and if there is someone else in the area that would be nice to know.
Thanks Patrick. I took the car to a mechanic I trust and he said the bearings and transaxle, rotar, brakes, etc, are fine - and he's not sure...
I've got a 2006 Prius - yesterday afternoon my wife and I noticed a high pitched whine coming from the front (maybe right hand side) of the car -...
Hello, I have a 2006 Prius, just over 17,000 miles, and bought it new just over a year ago. I got in it to go to work this morning, put the key...