Separate names with a comma.
I have seen battery protectors that automatically disconnect the battery if the voltage falls to 11.7V and such. Any one with experience with one...
Is there a way to identify this with a Scan Gauge II? If so, can someone please describe it?
You are probably already doing it but to caution anyone else that might have a spare battery sitting in the garage, I would periodically recharge...
Just FYI- The original Panasonic 12V in my 2007 TCH is still doing fine after over 7 years of service. I have a feeling it will last another 3...
Thanks for the response. I also got the 21 and shortly after I posted here, and so far it seems to be doing fine.
I think in some stickies, the main post is kept updated with the latest info regardless of how long the thread might run. If this is done by...
one for tires and another for the 12V battery which are the common maintenance items, for ready reference as opposed to having a perform a...
I thought the Exide was supposed to be a drop-in. Can you please explain what you meant by "I had to do was switch sides for the vent hose"? Can...
Positive, negative or neutral regarding the battery in the below: Exide AGM Car Battery (Group S46B24R) [ Since this is really a question...
Switching off the car/system means the HV battery is "disconnected" and put to bed. All further electrical needs such as the head-lights, stereo,...
If one doesn't use the parking brake for some reason, that's fine. The point of my earlier post was to get all the loads as possible (including...
Here one would be holding the brake pedal while switching off causing a current draw from the weak 12V. To avoid this as also any other loads...
In an emergency, I should remember to use the B mode, wait for the speed to bleed off as the circumstance might permit, and then use the e-brake ...
Per 2010 E brake | PriusChat "The cable pulls a lever on the rear caliper, whichg turns a screw that manually pushes the piston to squeeze the...
Or has a separate system of brake shoes and drum/disc and such?
such as Luscious Garage. TIA.
is what I am seeing mentioned on ebay. Anyone that tried the latter?
Just wondering: is there a way to tell using a ScanGauge II and such, if the engine is getting all the air it needs? IOW, that the filter hasn't...
The OEM filter on the right doesn't really seem to be dirty. I heard one way to determine if the filter is dirty is to hold it up to the Sun to...
Wouldn't either method cause some of the dust and such from the dirty side to return and settle on the clean side to be sucked into the engine later?