Separate names with a comma.
I can't argue with success :_> Apparently a collapsed/folded bladder expands/unfolds more slowly than I would have guessed.
Of course he did; he wants to sell you a battery. Now ask him which DieHard is a direct drop-in replacement for the Prius. Let us know what he says.
So it's a *dealer's* coupon. In the United States "dealer" does not equal "manufacturer". For another good laugh (or maybe a good cry) compare...
There are three choices: - another identical Toyota battery - Optima DS46B24R YellowTop - Optima D51 with adapter kit from eLearnaid Toyota Prius...
Whoa, whoa, whoa: you shouldn't be jumping *from* a Prius *to* anything else. The Prius' 12V battery, wiring harness, controller, fuses, and...
It's not the right battery. Who sent the coupon? Betcha a nickel it wasn't Toyota.
In what did you invest?
When was the service done, and how far have you driven since then?
Well, huh. How does that work? I mean, what component in the fuel system vents slowly?
Further undercutting the drill-baby-drill nutjobs.
Test drive!
Ditto that. According to Bentley those three codes point to wire harness or ECU faults. I don't know why a dealer would resist doing some...
You can easily check the 12V battery yourself in five minutes with no tools:...
Does Oz use gasoline with ethanol?
"Borrowing at 0%" means they increase the price to compensate and/or you don't get any cash incentive. They get you one way or another if you...
Yes, we have, and if the problem is not lack of fuel it can be ugly... Always, always, always: check the oil level yourself before driving away...
12.1V is OK, but any electrical mods or add-ons make me queasy. One mistake and it can drain the battery.
Spend an hour in a library reading the April 2011 issue of Consumer Reports magazine. It's full of car buying advice and data on good economical...
I mothballed my compressor and use an old bicycle pump instead. The quiet is nice.
Back up a step: do you know why the battery was dead? (Having been killed once it no longer has a normal life left in it. Be prepared to replace...