Separate names with a comma.
Your hope and prayer every night when you got to bed. However you're going to be disappointed. Living with hatred is such a downer. It's like...
Some people just have Bad Luck following behind them. I, on the other hand, normally have Good Luck in tow, have no issues, don't expect any...
Good for them. First, after the LA Times falsified an article back in December Toyota published the real facts showing where the LA Times...
Here's a solid view from Edmunds who might very well have a better handle on this mess than NHTSA does. Posted as an Op Ed piece in the Wash...
Over. Wholesale prices are a matter of supply and demand over the auction block. Our buyers are finding that the prices of wholesale vehicles...
That will never happen. I'll bet on it. What might happen IMO is that some very dissatisfied owners will be allowed to return their vehicles...
If the price of gas goes up to $5 or $6 a gallon can Toyota sue the owners for Sudden Unintended Appreciation? :o :D If this drags, as it might,...
One point never mentioned in the report is the speed of the vehicle. Only Sikes the Scammer's 911 call mentions 90 mph. Until the CHP arrived...
At least they can slap the sh** out of those who'd intentionally try to scam them. Sikes dug his grave by calling 911 and bringing attention to...
While NA sales were the driving force in the development of the Gen 2 Prius, the JDM sales during 2009 were the driver for the Gen 3's. The...
Except that no other NA maker of vehicles currently has brake override installed across its product lineup either. It's very prevalent in German...
CNN is reporting the preliminary findings from the investigation of Sikes 2008 Prius appear to validate what many herein already believe. Memo:...
I believe that you understand the situation clearly. :)
OhRely? If you believe that your car is 'worthless' then I'll offer you $10 for it right now. I'll give you cash tomorrow. Don't be put off...
Huh? Since I am an American what am I missing? This transcript is dated February 2nd. How is it that his mea culpa is only being brought to the...
It's this type of statement that sets my jets burning because people with agendas like many herein make these false or spurious statements, others...
Good releases, tks Bob. This is the type of real data that should have been out in the hands of the public months ago. Granted no one foresaw...
FYP To be accurate, it is YOU and few others negativistas that don't trust Toyota. My experience over 20 yrs of driving them is that they have...
Sikes the Scammer ( see alleged theft claims and foreclosure theft ) raised his hand to bring attention to himself. Sikes the Scammer went on...
It doesn't matter what effect it has other than for me it's the right thing to do.