Separate names with a comma.
That’s correct. It runs like a dream unless that battery is under the half way mark. The lower it is the worse the misfire?
New plugs. Ultrasonic cleaned injectors, maf untouched.?
Never overheated and no apparent problems with either pump.
Hey all. Has anyone else encountered the random, mysterious misfire that only sometimes happens and only ever when the HV battery is low and never...
Thanks for the help guys. But I've now gone and purchased a 2015 Prius. Gonna sell the old one. Can't be bothered trying to diagnose it any...
What was wrong with the Prius in the video? Was it just an injector? Because that's exactly how mine sounds until you accelorate.
Ahhh I see. Ok. Thanks for the tip. Did wonder what you were getting at.
Ok. Tomorrow I'll get under it. I reckon you're rite. A friend of mine heard it today and said it sounds like my bottom end has gone. Gonna...
No. No water anywhere near the engine bay. Does look like water in my oil though doesn't it. If I wipe it clean then re dip it, it then comes...
[ATTACH] Just noticed this on my dipstick!!!
They don't all show exactly the same. It ranges from 14.2 upto 15.1 across all four. I've swapped the ignition coils over and replaced the spark...
It's a SkyTronic 600.527. It reads 07.1 when I touch both leads together. It has ran low on oil loads of times. It seems to use about 2 litres of...
Just thought I would point out that my Prius is a 2010 t-spirit with 230,000 miles on it.
Nope. First it was displaying an EGR code. Then the misfires started. I've fixed the EGR but am now left with misfire on cylinder 3. Only seems...
I've just found a site for online workshop manuals and it states that the resistance on the four fuel injectors should be between 11.6 and 12.4....
I've just been out and tested the resistance on all four injectors and they are all around the 15 ohms region. Would this indicate that it's not...
Megadeus, im having the exact same problem can i ask if the new fuel injector fixed your problem?