Separate names with a comma.
I was in Fort Worth and Dallas area and ran all through those cities for 6 days and only saw two prius's the whole time? Those cowboys sure don't...
The manual says very little about the route trace. Its on page 61 in the 06 manual. There is a certain place where as my Nav is routeing back to...
The weather finally gave me a window to apply my Zaino products. The whole process I am about to eleborate on took me about 3 hours to do. Keep...
For those who have figured out how to get above average mileage? Care to share any your special Driving tips? First of all, Please state your...
I tried to order some 303 Protectant. See following web site: I tried to order from this site, but I cancelled...
My strongest lingering impression after my trip..... "Amazing Handling!" My car had about 1000 miles on it at the start of the trip. I must...
I had a little 4 inch scratch from somewhere.... not all the way through the clear coat and only visible if you looked at it right... The "Z-PC...
I already have the carpeted bisque matts, but I would like the rubber matts for front and back... "4 total"
I would like to have an altimeter.. I hear the GPS ones are not very accurate anyway.... It would be nice not only to know if you are on truly...
Here is a procedure I copied from another post of which someone was nice enough to share. I'm sure he will speak up if he wants his name...
The question came up in my mind after I engaged "switched" EV mode first thing when starting up and I naturally coast along in complete silence...
I just want to let anyone know in my area that I have access to a red barcelona package #8 if anyone wants it I need to hear "tonight".. it won't...
I am still using the original washer fluid they gave me at the dealer. I don't know if they all use the same or not.. but it seems a bit soapy and...
I have found a little scratch thats actually pretty hard to see... its perfectly straight and about 3 inches long. I could be from someones...
for those of you who have ordered and are wondering whats up. I just talked to them and they have been on backorder... I was not aware of this......
I have heard stories of many who feel comfrotable taking thier batteries down to the bottom of where the EV switch will allow on thier trek home...
I experienced a first for me... after going down a big hill, the battery was full green all the way to the top..... and I was now in the flat...
I want to hardwire my detector in so I don't have to tie up my 12V adaptor 24/7. I can tear into the dash and find 12V power I'm sure but had...
The 2006 has the transmitters that report air pressure to the computer. Does anyone know if the Chrome valve stem covers will affect the...