Separate names with a comma.
I refuse to get upset about the images above. I have more confidence in Toyota that they will do better. The only thing I will say regarding...
I'll concede that you may be right. Perhaps, that is Toyota's problem with the G4 if upper management was not involved until near the end of the...
There has just been entirely too much miss-information circulated to venture any credible guess about the G4. I'm not sure I even believe the...
My understanding is the model year 2016 Prius will be released to the public near the end of calendar year 2015. Whoever created this thread,...
I know I am bucking the tide here, but I just find it hard to believe that the Prius hatchback, the Prius PIP, and the "v" will all be released in...
Once again, I searched the Internet for anything regarding the 2016 Prius. Several sites show a picture touted (and labeled) to be images of the...
Great discussion. It demonstrates why manufacturers market a variety of vehicles. I was an avid PC reader when the Volt first came out, as well...
With the slowing of post on this thread, I have been reading several of the other PC threads. It appears, that some PC writers, are expressing...
70AARCUDA - I'm sorry. I suppose I didn't read your post where you mentioned "transformer." I certainly did not mean to infringe on your thought.
I went back and took another hard look at the C-HR. I discovered, it is "hard to look at." It reminds me of a childs toy that transforms into...
You know it is one thing to read everyones speculations about the new G4, but when I read that it was actually seen, and it looks like a kid's...
Okay, I fell for it, and was feeling sick to my stomach. Inferno and Sergiospl ..... what do you mean you "like this?" I didn't like it one...
Sergiospl - Outstanding response .... and Think Smart » Blog Archive » The Next Toyota Prius Will Surprise You is MUST READ for any...
I read the article. I am in denial. I cannot, and do not want, to believe that Toyota, owner of the world hybrid title, would...
Well spoken.
Don't identify me as a "believer" yet, but I must admit that I am leaning towards the group that suggest that Toyota has lost interest in the...
I don't know what else we can say. I thought Tideland Prius did a good job of summarizing the entire situation. I hope for the best. I really...
Who knows what that means. The rumors are all over the place; artist depictions only agree that there are 4 wheels; Toyota has offered...
Thank you inferno, I appreciate your level headed approach to this question. Personally, I have no idea if the design depicted is old or new,...