Separate names with a comma.
Yeah, I maybe over-thinking this one.
Aw, c'mon, nuance isn't a $10 word. As in, this here can of Shlitz has one fine hops nuance. Looks like I've been mispronouncing it all my...
I'll ditto that, with some reservations. I think it's more beneficial than you suggest, with a US average of about 1.35 lbs C02/KWH nationally,...
I hesitate to do this, but ... that statement is wrong. Annex 2 (the end) of this IPCC document lays out the circumstances and rules for use of...
In all fairness, there are going to be money costs from moving away from fossil fuels. The Congressional Budget Office's projection is that the...
Mattress pad goes under the bottom sheet and attaches to the mattress. An advantage is that you needn't have a (relatively bulky) electric...
Bless you for being a voice of reason. I'd been looking, but all I'd been able to deke out so far is that this is complex. No surprise, given...
Slightly off topic, but where I live, the plastic recycling just keeps getting more and more inclusive. Just a few years back it was #1 & #2...
I'll ditto that back. The Kill-a-Watt is my friend. We established a "lending library" of them at our church, so if a member wants to borrow...
A few more low-end cost savers. I've replaced most of the desktop computers in my business with laptops. I don't much like laptops, but they use...
OK, here's one guess: It's a multi-stage gas furnace. So, is that a multi-stage gas furnace or an old-style single-stage (on or off)? A...
We who are condemned by our collective stupidity to live with English Units say the following: 1) Once upon a time in America, we were going to...
For your list: You know that shipping bottled water is generally thought to be environmentally unsound. But the same argument applies to any...
I can think of how to measure it, but the estimates savings from a fairly deep setback are pretty modest -- I see 5 to 15% for an 8 hour setback,...
Ditto. With certainty, the total amount of energy that leaves your house, over a given period, is lower, so you need to input less energy into...
Excellent article. Thank you. I particularly liked the point at the end -- you wouldn't drive as much if you had to drive one of these.
Here's how I read that piece of research, based only on press release and abstract. (I'd have to pay $35 or so to download it.) Take the...
The national ice and snow data center has a nice, concise discussion of the Arctic Oscillation and the potential impact on arctic ice....
This is just a brief press release, tentatively ranking 2009 global temperatures in a tie with several other years as the 3rd warmest in their...
In the interest of fairness and balance, I think it's reasonable to post the IPCC's official response. That's all I'm going to say on this topic....