Separate names with a comma.
We can start with his track record. The guy's supposed to be an expert in satellite-based temperature measurement. Google "satellite...
Let me try that again. I'd test whether or not the heat input is going to be enough before I went to the trouble of digging the hole. My...
As the less-than-proud owner of a ground-source heat pump, let me respectfully disagree. The low conductivity (?) of dry soil is why you need...
Bob, RealClimate: Of buckets and blogs Probably more detail there than you'd care to see, but it boils down to calibrating various antique and...
Sorry to be the naysayer, but he still did the analysis wrong. Great answer and all, but incorrect analysis. He counts the used car as...
For what we were discussing -- historical temperature trends -- that's pretty much on the mark. You've got the particles embedded in ice, and...
You're years out of date. Of course, if you only listen to denialist sites, you'd never know that. But if you got your information from a...
And back to being on target, yes, my most recent estimate (June update above) is about a 93% chance of a record for the GISS series. For the...
If you want an accurate explanation of temperature change, then you want the output of an ensemble of general circulation models tuned to 20th...
I'll try it again. Maybe repetition will help. The NASA GISS temperature series doesn't use the urban stations. The NASA GISS temperature series...
Again, just a tiny bit of appreciation for the complexity of the world can help improve understanding. What's too simple about that statement is...
I'll try it again. You can't quite seem to grasp that the earth's temperature is the result of the interaction of many factors. So, when you...
Knowing this isn't going to change anything, I'll make one more attempt to explain. Again, not like I haven't posted this explanation before on...
See my response to drees above. It's not like this is some big mystery that hasn't been addressed. Google, I don't know, "global dimming" and...
Ah, I'll at least provide the picture. Here's the level of sulfates from Greenland ice cores: [IMG] But I'm with you, Drees. At some point,...
So, you think those scientists who are putting over this global warming scam should have spent some of their money putting in better thermometers?...
From easiest to hardest: Select? They wish they could select. That ain't the issue. In the historical climate network, you've got what...
When the short-term trend in air temperatures was flat, your posts here talked about how that showed that global warming didn't exist. Now that...
Laughable. Aside from the clear bias in the opening segment: "Most scientists believe that the greenhouse effect causes ... no rise in ......
Ebay, any day, you can find salvage batteries for $400.