Separate names with a comma.
Both are plug in hybrids same size and price range. Direct competitors by two of the largest car manufacturers. Comparison is a year both were...
That is what the original poster would have you believe. People who are intelligent with a sense of responsibility drive Prius AND buy organic...
Interesting and encouraging that Volt is outselling the Prius Plug by 2:1, 12,000 Volts to 6,000 PIP's.
Chuckle. You saw what you "know".
It's certainly wrong, tend to be younger, college crowd, lots of tats and small kids.
It's called off topic thread drift in online discussions, irrelevant change of subject in regular conversation.
We are better off with having the GM problems, the 250,000 jobs and and a chance to fix the problems vs not so strong work by Federal government...
Is the Prius unusual in Belgium? I would not trust a US dealership to have the EU compliant equipment. And if not done right, you have the fines...
Which seems the best course of action as finding US mechanic who has parts and installation expertise to meet and certify compliance with Belgium...
I wouldn't stress too much about immediacy of the problem. No one will know you don't have the rear fog lights unless you are driving in the fog....
Mine seems to stay where I last used it. I never changed anything so I'm guessing that is the default. I like it that way. Let's me decide...
$50 sounds more like a reasonable price. Sounds like Toyota is ripping off customers on the key fobs.
Every municipality with a sewage plant just struck oil. On a more realistic note, methane from sewage and waste as fuel for electricity never...
Too perfect...hydrogen fuel from sewage. Endless and growing supply plus it helps at two ends in waste disposal and energy production. Wonder...
Actually something did happen. Europe is 50% more energy efficient than the US. Had US followed Europe's lead with train transportation, fuel...
A volume issue not a feasibility issue. The fact that large production and distribution industrial base exists for hydrogen is the point. Building...
Interesting that US government preventing bankruptcy of GM and saving 250,000 jobs and US's only other car manufacturer during Great Recession is...
Sure...Organic designation has to do with chemical content nothing to do with nutrition so folks are buying organic based on chemical content not...
Glad to see you gave up on the disproven idea that there was no large existing industrial production and distribution infrastructure for hydrogen....
Absolutely. Producing and getting hydrogen to retail filling stations with current industrial gas infrastructure is totally doable. Much easier...