Separate names with a comma.
yesterday on my way home from work, i stopped at a roundabout to wait for traffic to clear and was rear-ended by a GMC jimmy (i thought it was a...
well. we have been hearing things like in 100 years, the seas will rise a foot, or in 50 yeas, it will be noticably warmer and studies "suggest"...
this week NBC Nightly News is running a series on Car Wars. yesterday they toured the Toyota plant in Ky (just about the time some Priuschatters...
hi all, my SO got a call from Christine Tierney, a reporter from the Detroit News. she is writing an article about fuel efficient vehicles and...
today while installing my EV switch (yes, i ordered it from Coastal and it was promptly delivered along with the jelly beans!! and no i was never...
i was watching a special this morning on the Sun and was nearly floored by a statement near the end of the one hour show. a company in England is...
read this today in the local rag. another example of the "green" power that exists in this area which i think accounts for the high number of...
interesting video from a well known british based car review tv show about the gm hywire. very very cool, which tells me, once again gm is doing...
was sent a link by a friend of a friend of a friend who went to a small plane convention. flew across country and although they didnt do what they...
an article from the The Olympian. as most of you know, i am a believer in the acceleration of gw and its root cause being us. just another joint...
well, figured i would be posting here in this forum one of these days but didnt think it would be this early. having wrecked my 2004 Tidelands,...
i really dont know where to put this as far as topics go. but just had to post this. Having past the freeway a few times, the backup this past...
Recently there was a thread that asked the question "Do Priuses get into more than their fair share of accidents?" many thoughts were suggested as...
Mr. Tucker has just completed a book on the nuclear revival.
here is a mention of Coastal Electronics and also a blurb from Toyota as to their reasoning for not including an EV switch in american models...
as much as it seems we need oil to survive, it is conceivable that we can actually do without it. but many feel that our real need in the coming...
probably not the right sub forum but newsworthy i think especially since my fillup last night topped $30 for the first time from the New York...
i have always contended that WA St was always a bit more aggressive in supporting and encouraging alternative fuel vehicles. several years ago...
an article from the Daily Olympian. Area lands biodiesel production plant By RACHEL LA CORTE The Associated Press Grays Harbor...
we all concentrate on MPG's as a good guide towards how well we are doing on mileage but it simply does not drive the message home to non-Prius...