Separate names with a comma.
Better to not dismantle air pollution control devices: Curbing air pollution control devices would c | EurekAlert!
FEMA budget history, and in 2024 so far: FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund: Budgetary History and Projections | Congressional Budget Office How did...
There are many web sites with (HF) SDR available for anyone to operate around the world. One can experience how they perform when well configured....
I love me an aisle seat even though with exposure to emissions from all the walkers. Not quite up to our usual decorum standards. Cabin crew...
Don't remember if we've talked about it here before. Commercial jets have excellent ventilation/filtration. At-risk breathers are within a few...
Plastics recycling is not generally a success story: At Least 85 Percent of U.S. Plastic Waste Went to Landfills in 2021 | Smithsonian....
World Wide Fund has published its 2024 planet report. Described here: Wildlife populations plunge 73% since 1970: WWF And you should have no...
.Will be first attempt to chopstick the booster landing
Be aware this has been published: Scientists issue urgent warning on climate em | EurekAlert!
TV coverage of evacuation for Milton mentioned a public parking garage (in Tampa?) where EVs needed to be on third floor or above. Also a home...
That circled thing is not separate. It is part of Milton's wind field. The separator is a parcel of dry air that has also been entrained by Milton...
I am taught that Campeche area is YP western coast. Always learning. This seems to be as sheltered as possible in hurricane latitudes. I should visit.
"Western shores of the Yucatan peninsula is getting hammered." Make that Northern please. YP lacks western shores :)
Milton's top-of-troposphere super-cold cloud area (satellite view) now resembles the (likely) Chicxulub impact crater of long ago. This has...
The ocean heat content currently: Satellite Ocean Heat Content Suite - Office of Satellite and Product Operations [ATTACH] Milton's collector...
Tampa Bay scenarios: Best- and worst-case hurricane scenarios for Tampa Bay » Yale Climate Connections
"Are you reading the forecast discussions out of NWS Miami?" Yes. Also shear and shear tendency from CIMSS analyses. H. Milton is moving towards...
Anticipating Milton reaching coast as category 2 is not realistic. It passed trough Cat 2 before rapid intensification began. And we do mean rapid...
Tampa to Naples about 130 miles. I hope you are not underestimating the size of this harm's way.
Hillsborough and Pinelas counties combined population 2.45 million Florida County Map and Population List in Excel [ATTACH]