Separate names with a comma.
Wasn't the Chunnel suppose to revolutionize cross-Channel commerce and such? And isn't the Chunnel company hemoraging money like crazy?...
Congrats Evan! Its settled then, babies DO come with ribbons on their heads : )
Democratic legislators touted a new report on Maryland's air quality as proof-positive that the state should beef up vehicle emissions standards...
Well, I think some local papers can be excused for being smaller publications, with slightly more limited staffs. Its when all 5 massive,...
Wait, I thought the article said that she did drive a Prius? Guess I must've misread the article. That'd actually be a pretty snazzy campaign...
For the parking thing, wouldn't it be pretty easy to tie a check-system into the DMV database? When you're written a ticket, they enter your...
Well, apparently FM radio is pretty much aligned into a handful of media empires too. Personally, I get my news from PBS (NewsHour, BBC), WSJ,...
Couldn't it also be to reduce noise pollution? Though I suppose that's a rather minor side benefit. Also, it could help pedestrian safety...
I'm not sure I was entirely clear on my point, so let me try putting it another way: if, say, CNN was founded, owned and run by a foreign-born,...
I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I think you missed the word "ironic" in my post. My parents are both naturalized citizens, and of course, I...
Is anyone else struck by how un-American Fox News is? I don't mean un-American in the sense that they suck (which they do), but the fact that...
I'm guessing that you were referring to this article: Maybe a mod wants to move...
Coal eh? Beautiful! because apparently, the U.S. is the "Saudi Arabia of coal. Coal is what we got." -Leo McGarry. Someone should tell Howard...
umm, how many mpg does it get? And how long is the wait list? : )
I just read the article, and I don't understand... I mean, what exactly is his argument? That Ford is using Toyota technology, but not really?...
Re: My son hates my Prius- How can I mod it to be cool to a ...wait... are you saying that girls _DON'T_ have cooties? hmm... interesting...
So what happens if you lose one (or all 4?) of your key fobs? Can you go to the dealer for a replacement? And if so, then couldn't the dealer...
I think someone else posted this commercial awhile back. However, they didn't post a link to this site, which actually had quite a few links to...
The only problem (besides inefficiency) might be soil exhaustion. As I understand it, soil exhaustion might be a problem for some areas of the...
I think its really important to remember that criticizing our government is the MOST American thing any of us can do. If you think about it, the...