Separate names with a comma. Perfect.
Did you mean that the CEO and executives should have THEIR assets frozen? Since it would seem unfair to punish the grunt employees making normal...
Heh, thx. I actually stole that logic from Bowling for Columbine. Despite being a flaming liberal (I'm actually on fire right now), I'm of two...
Thx for the corrections Wolfman (I guess I misread the article, attributing the truck to Ford). I'm still a bit surprised that its equipped with...
I'm sorry, but is this suppose to be some sort of super-early April Fools joke by CNN? This looks like something engineers would come up with if...
Citizens have a right to bear arms... Ignoring the part about a well-regulated militia for now: does that mean I could mix some chemical weapons...
I wish more people would use their stupid signals. Its not like they have to stick their left arm out the window or something. Now, I just...
The Prius article is just the cover story in the Enterprise section of this week's Newsweek. There are several articles devoted to alternative...
So is there a right to bear arms (in a well-regulated militia) in Iraq? If not, why isn't this the US policy there? Just hand out a gun and 3...
I guess I was trying to point out how silly (and somewhat outrageous) it is that disaster insurance is subsidized by people living nowhere near...
Really? Is that the best you guys can do? "Its much worse in most parts of the world, so you should all just sit down and shut up." I'd like to...
Well, looks like I've got 6 more now : )
Ah, weather-related smack talk. Priceless : )
Regarding where people choose to live: you know there are millions of people living in FLOOD PLAINS in various parts of this country. Many are...
Along the same lines, many Republicans essentially blame Clinton for 9/11, saying that Bush was "only" in office for 9 months. These same people...
Wouldn't it be great if the engine block and trunk were to the left and right of the passenger compartment, instead of in front and behind it?...
What kind of "criminal history" do these two have? If they already have a history of cruelty towards people/animals, and reform/punishment has...
Well, I'm all out of invites. Maybe some of the people with new gmail accounts will receive some invitations themselves to share with everyone : )
My thoughts are with you and your family Dianne.