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We're intending on adding post-delivery Leather (better color choices) and heated seats to our '06 NL whenever it gets here. Cost is $1800 for...
I'm on target for an NL then adding Leather to the car aftermarket. Interested in knowing if others have recently done this and what their...
Just saw the Barcelona Red. Wow! Bright! Happy Red! MUCH brighter than salsa. It's a cloudy day here in KC... not good for picture taking....
Another Mag. Gray fan here... Does anyone recall the taupey-sable color that the 4Runner had available back in '98? I am guessing that Magnetic...
seemed like Millenium was "Golder" version of silver. I'm after the New Silver, too. I really want Magnetic Gray, but don't want to wait for...
Please!!!! don't let the Heat shine through!!!!
Greens are Neutral colors and it'd be nice if Toyota would really look to nature for their coloration. S.P. Mica is, by itself, not a bad color....
hey bob! are you able to tell how much Vinyl is used versus the Leather in your car? i'm the one that wishes the prius was vinyl-free. i'm...
If they were any better designed! They're usually blocky and really poorly done. We're considering these fine cars to be well designed...
vikki, has it been subjected to high temperatures? To get that Matte texture, inexpensively, most mnf's use a mil thickness vinyl coating. I...
I opted for the DVD System and decided to post pics. Was this a "dealer installed" system? Cost? wireless headphones?
That's what I have also been told, here in the Midwest. FYI