Separate names with a comma.
To All: There have been reports of Prii parking in "EV ONLY" spaces, blocking real EV drivers from using the charger. (Costco is a common...
Hard to know the details, but here's the article anyway: Essentially, the budget...
Hybrid Drive is no different than fuel injection. Here's why: -Fundamentally changes the function of the car, offers an unprecedented level of...
I'm completely shocked that: A. They still HAD telegrams. B. They still had SINGING telegrams. C. There is still one more company that SENDS...
So, as per the earlier thread, this is a comfort thing. Some folks may have lots of cash and no job, others may have no cash but dual sixers...
on one thing at least:
So, I used to date this girl. She ate a lot, was overall kind of big and dirty, dare I say fat? She was loud, and crude, but hey, she put out....
darelldd, I have had just about enough of you. I was very happy with my fully gasoline Prius, thank you very much. Now, pictures of the vehicle...
So, I was driving along in my Isuzu Trooper, talking on my Treo 650 to a friend of mine. (He's that guy that always talks too long in the car; I...
So, I know malorn is going to call this "BS," but this is not opinion, but a matter of fact, so there is nothing to disagree with. The fact is,...
So, another marketing genius, who can't see the writing on the wall, believes that anyone who is interested in hauling 7 people will certainly...
So, I experimented with a Scala-500 headset and the Prius with my Treo 650 (Sprint, with latest Rom, 1.12). Wouldn't you know it, the Prius won't...
I'm reading through the 2006 Owner's manual online. Cool 2006 NAV features include switching the keyboard to Qwerty, as well as an option to turn...
So, the final carrot for me to buy new Michelin Hydroedges for my 1 year old (12,000 mile) Prius is the dealer charge to rotate and balance tires:...
So, I noticed we now have over 10,000 members. If we all chip in $5, we could purchase a Hummer H2 and crush it. Think of the publicity! The...
What do you think? There is a sudden drop in gasoline demand, almost 3% down from same time last year. Why do you think that is? It's quite...
We have shot ourselves in the foot. Normally this time of year, at least a month ago already, refineries would have retooled to make more diesel...
Here's the real deal, straight from Toyota. It's 3.3 Megs. Vin range is as follows: VIN Range Model Year VDS Range 2004 KB20U 0001009 –...