Separate names with a comma.
A buddy of mine had a '68 (I think) Plymouth with push buttons for the gears.. there was one for each gear P & N! We did alot of space...
Dan Man -'re to good! I just got back from a drive and was thinking I should get the dumbest :oops: question award for not...
yeah I'd be interested to hear about this 'neutral' driving mode
Re: Removal of "Hood Ornament" Begging your kind i The last photo is for BUSH.. right?
A 2002 CLASSIC WITH 72 HUNN-RED MILES!!!!!! Was the previous owner afarid to drive it or something? :mrgreen: You lucked out!! More power to...
BTW - I averaged 50.2 miles on my mostly uphill ride home! I'm impressed! Was at 49.5 then I rolled downhill regenerating over about 1/2 mile...
Re: Removal of "Hood Ornament" Begging your kind i I'd like to see a pic also.. I'm considering removing my front toyota emblem because I'll be...
Finally picked up my Prius last night!! :D Been waiting since April!! She's soooooo nice, Silver Millenium. My first "What the Heck is...
Cheeze Louise! Not another opinionated slanted review! Do'n't these people realize everyiones situation is different. Oh well I guess writers...
Re: I would be proud if the Prius was an American developmen Honestly I don't see how we havn't self destructed by now. can you hum along to...
mikepaul - have you tried waxing the hell out of the visors...maybe less surface tension will cause the rain not to come in. Surface tension is...
Vent visors are those stick on pieces which allow you to open your window about 2 inches when its raining. I enjoyed these on my old car and am...
Expecting my prius in a couple of weeks... do I need to get a cat first???
I am under the understanding that if you tow any type of trailer without saftey chains you are in violation of the law. Its "Failure to secure a...
heres a low tech idea! ... I used to align my headlamps this way in a simpler day and age...(I was driving VW beetles then) park another car...
ps: putting labels on your home grown cd's can affect the balance of the disk when playing, especially in high speed players. Thereby affecting...
I am disappointed big time that the CD player will not play MP3 CD's. I'm not gonna make CD's of the thousands of MP3's I have. Looks like...
DanMan - YUP! I'm getting OEM floor mats. So looks like I should have no problema. thanks! :P
My pri was here last week only..Ithere was a death in my family, so I souldn't take delivery till this week. Now they tell me they are waiting...
Has anyone tried to fasten the floor mat down with velcro or something???? Don't have my prius yet..but I'll be looking out for the floor mat...