Separate names with a comma.
A little uphill, actually, with a lot of stop signs. I hadn't been expecting what I saw so I did not reset any trip meters to measure the mi/kWh...
When the car determines that the current being supplied from braking (engine or pedal) will damage the battery, it will use the energy to turn the...
Well, if they're roughly charging to 85% and discharging to 15% you should expect somewhere around 5,000 charge/discharge cycles before reaching...
No. That's not how the Prius is programmed. The warm up cycle doesn't initiate an engine start, it only controls engine shutoff. Once the engine...
I can't even fit the kids' stuff in the back without a tire. :(
That only helps if you get a flat in the parking lot of a Discount Tire center. And I'd call driving another 20,000 miles on a plugged tire a...
I've driven approximately 460,000 miles in the LA area since becoming licensed and the only time I had a blowout was driving on an underinflated...
I've never seen a shredded tire in my whole life that wasn't due to some kind of driver negligence (underinflation, prolonged driving on a flat...
How do you keep that from flying forward and turning you and your passengers into vegetables in the event of a crash?
They're little rubber strips coated with adhesive. You thread the needle-thingy with one of them and push it all the way into the hole, then pull...
I carry something like these two things in my 2012 PiP and the 2021 Prime: [IMG] [IMG]
I electronically filed in February and it took until last week to get my refund.
I don't know if it applies to the Prius battery chemistry, but some people who've done a lot of analysis on the Nissan Leaf discovered the battery...
There's something missing from this story. Not having the manufacturer's certification is not a deficiency of form 8936 unless the IRS does not...
The instructions say the manufacturer supplies the certification to the IRS, not the taxpayer. The only thing a taxpayer might be able to get,...
I have filed three Form 8936s in my time and I have never even heard of a manufacturer's certification, nor has one ever been requested of me. The...
That means it's a warm-up cycle. The battery temp could trigger ICE to start, but once it starts it will run until the engine gets up to full...
That's what I mean about efficiency being dependent on the definition: If it's defined as minimal losses in conversion of fuel - electricity or...