Separate names with a comma.
Hello all. I have accidently ran my 12v battery dead and near dead a few times, and I just figured it out. Each time, I have gone out to my car...
Most, if not all portable satellite external units have a built in volume controls. Increase yours so that is outputting louder.
I replied on the Bee's comment page, but I gather my points will not get through to these ignorant people. Sad.
The comments are crazy! I just replied over there. So many people have no clue... They just make up crap as if it is fact, and it pisses me off.
So does the green go all the way down to empty and then the dispaly get "refilled" with blue?
I have an 08 and I have never seen anything but green. Should I see other colors in the battery SOC chart?
The cup holder should be fine. It could be the fob battery... They are supposed to last a few years, so yours might be reaching old age.
I have done that twice also. Both times during my first month of ownership. Both times for me where when I was transferring a phone call from...
Ooops. :-) Corrected. I can guess that gas will be $5.09 next march.
My top three inputs of gas since Ive owned my car are: 11.230 - 6/22/08 11.182 - 2/21/08 11.008 - 3/09/08 (edited, did show 09!) I usually...
Thanks everyone for the tips and ideas. I spent some more time last night getting the windows clean, using pure Goof Off. It worked pretty good...
Yesterday I was cleaning my garage, and while doing so I found a can of red spray paint where it wasn’t supposed to be. I tossed it towards the...
Dan, PM sent.
I was told by the cute girl with the low cut top that showed me all about my car that the B gear was to be used WHILE breaking. And that if I...
I had some friends in my car and we were playing with the voice system. One said the word for oral copluation that starts with blow and ends with...
Same as others, I scrape the front spoiler backing off driveways on occaision and when I go to far forward in parking spaces and hit the concrete...
I test drove both (2008's) a few months ago, and the Prius won out. The Honda seemed like it needed to work much harder to move along, where as...
The manual has instructions for programming how the SKS system opens which doors. Default was when the driver opens his door using the auto-sense...
Yeah, first two tanks for me were goofy. My third was where I was hoping it would be. And for me the MDF read 45.4, but I calculated 43.7. But...
It must be nice to be a pump perfectionist. Many people move away from the pump when it is auto-filling. That is what the technology is for. Most...