Separate names with a comma.
45-46mpg was what I used to get when my Prius was new in 2008 & Never more than that!!! 42.3MPG for the last 2 years=Is the new Norm.
Is my Prius still doing OK? 42.3MPG for the last 2 years 2008 Prius 105k original miles
Don't do it!!! ***Go rent a car for a week=HAVE a NICE SAFE TRIP!!!;););)
She's NEW to the PRIUS world = She probably left the Prius running and could NOT lock the door.
Will the dealer tell you if the battery is NEW or Remanufactured?
UPDATE= So,I plugged in the 'scanner' , I turned on the car & the 'check engine' light went away...STRANGE????
OK, I just plugged in the code scanner and the check engine light went out without
skibob said: All these years on Prius chat (11) and you don’t know what to do? I purchased my 2008 Prius brand new = This is the first time it...
HELP-Check Engine Light just came on=but Prius is running GREAT???? What do I need to check to find why the 'CHECK ENGINE' light is ON?
Forgot to say that my PRIUS still has the original HYBRID BATTERY. What a GREAT LITTLE CAR it has been....
Update on 3450 mile round trip on my Gen.2 Prius THE PRIUS DROVE LIKE A 'CHAMP' 1] Averaged 42.3 MPG 2] Used 6oz. of oil 3] 70% of the trip was...
Do Toyota Dealers 'RECONDITION' the Hybrid battery? How much do they charge?
Please describe= the green,blue,purple lines on the screen
Probably a 'first'= hahaha Gen.2 'Radio Power Button' problem
I press the radio power button ON and radio comes ON- But when I press the power button again, it will NOT turn the radio OFF??? ***I have to...
I tried to remove it,but it was not coming off easy, I then stopped & asked questions on removal. *No glue on the plastic lens cover 'original owner'
Why would anybody want to live in a PRIUS? ...LOL
I cant get the clear plastic cover off the door, to change the bulb????
Confused?=Approx.what % of the time,does the gas motor turn on? So if your Prius has 100k miles=How many miles does the gas motor really have,...