Separate names with a comma.
This is actually how all turnpikes work that I've ever seen... The problem that surfaced in the 70's (gosh I'm old) :P was that it takes forever...
I have an 80 mile round trip commute per day. It takes me about 45 to 50 minutes each way. It is all highway and pretty much of a reverse...
I think that Mr. E. Squid has forgotten his medication again...
Ghostofjk, I can't believe you thought I was serious when I said I didn't think the Bush administration did this on purpose. I'm taking 10...
I don't believe that the Bush administration did this on purpose :) I believe that this, like a lot of what goes on in this administration is...
Well, I can't comment exactly on this thread but I can say that this is obviously a marketing coup since "the squid" is seeing the ad everywhere...
I think that we have to remember that we're a bunch of armchair observers and we all have a right to an opinion and whether it is a sane or...
And how much more planning does it take to make and plant explosive charges in out of the way places in a large office tower that no one is...
Well far be it from me to take sides one way or another. I do find it interesting that you reject the idea of a conspiracy here, considering the...
I don't know about the 2006 but on the 2005 you can get to screens that provide more information than what the MFD's normal display contains. It...
This thread reminds me of a line from an old Tom Lehrer album from the '60's. He talks about how he received the following letter in the mail:...
I had a terrible time with my hambstring where it inserts in the buttocks. I went to an orthopedist who prescribed physical therapy and told me...
I think you should become Condy Rice's personal trainer... :unsure:
I just want to add that I'm directionally challenged but have found the NAV in my '05 to be darn good. The one interesting thing that I notice is...
The situation is even more complicated then we think. We have the oil issue, we have global warming and we have nuclear proliferation and...
When my daughter was born my son was very excited, for awhile. Then he learned that instead of a playmate, he had competition. So one night...
Well, I didn't carry a piano in my Prius but I did buy a bed frame and a couch, complete with cushions, at IKEA and got both in the car with he...
Care to share any your special Driving tips?[/b] 1. How fast do you accelerate to get to the speed limit? "baby it, or do you get on with it?" I...
I have one for you too...from the old days. What's the difference between a truck load of bowling balls and a truck load of dead babies?
Now why did you have to bring Cheney into it? Along with the post asking why the U.S. can't manage its own ports, we're going to give someone the...