Separate names with a comma.
Also be careful of covering that vent. The last thing you want to do is overheat your battery!
If you have over 3 people you are fine...if you are a single person in a hybrid you need special "clean fuel vehicle tags" to drive in HOV.
Tell me about it! I only head into foggy bottom 2 times a week, so it is not too bad. I only have to go to chevy chase the rest of the week. I...
It happened to me the day I picked it up. It was under 70* out. :roll:
I am just full of bad news for you today. Where did you place this order?? I search all over the DC metro area and couldnt find a 2004. 355 toyota...
Not to dissapoint you bucket girl, but there is no HOV allowance in MD for hybrids and you can only drive in the VA HOV lanes with special VA...
On my way home this evening a salsa pulled up behind me. This was the first prius I had seen while in my prius. He waved and I was thrilled. Were...
I just picked up the SE T616 with cingular. I only paid $30 for it, so I couldnt resist. I needed to play with my bluetooth. It seems to work...
Pria. I had problems saying pr ee us verses pr eye us and thought this name would help and yes it did. Now I talk to her like she is a living thing
Jeremy (my salesman) got me my first choice and delivered it in 3 weeks! Hey tell them you got their name from Carla Johnson please. They have a...
I would say it is a chameleon color. It is either the pretty green in my pics or a very pretty grey that looks. Go look at a "mystic sea...
I was driving back with my new car so obviously I didn't go. ANyone care to share the experience?
I have plenty if you want them! [Broken External Image]: [Broken External...
That is just my driveway, but thank you. It is especially pretty this time of year with the blooming trees.
I love it! I drove 6 hours through West Virginia through steep mountains on roads at speeds of upwards of 80mph. She (I named the car Pria and now...
I am going to change carriers to get a bluetooth phone. I currently have sprint, but they dont have any phones. All I have heard is bad things...
It was a joke guys. I never dreamed anyone would take is seriously!
OUCH! I dont know if you are willing to drive a few hours, but the cars are a LOT easier to come by in WV. Mine arrived 3 weeks after I ordered it.
I was at the movie theater tonight with my new car. I was driving in the parking garage on stealth. There were three people walking right in front...
Picked up my tideland yesterday! I highly reccomend this dealer! They only have 2 people on their waiting list.