Separate names with a comma.
who ever lends cars for the weekend to coworkers???
I have a red Prius!! Yes, I agree. They ARE ugly. I still think so. But for the mileage, I'd drive one bright pink with an Obama bumper...
I drive normal and average 49.5 so far. I don't do much different. But I'm not a speed racer. What's the point in that?
We have such a complaint-oriented society!! It wasn't just pedestrians, but BLIND pedestrians that I was reading about. Is this REALLY a problem?...
I changed the dealer oil at 3200 miles. I refilled it with Mobil 1 5w-30 and will change at 5,000 mile intervals
you're right. I misinterpreted the question. It's supply and demand. If people there bought less, the cost would decrease. I don't think there...
Maybe he was trying to draft behind you like they do in NASCAR...haha
traded in a 2001 BMW 330Ci a nice car. the cost of it was killing me.
just a couple of facts here: Germany - 65.45 eurocents per gallon is taxes. plus Value Added Tax (19%) on the fuel itself and the Fuel Tax. That...
see below
Yes, it's called Taxes. Real high taxes. Someone has to pay for your welfare State.
I have a new Prius. I wanted to give it the first 3000 mile oil change myself. I've been doing my own on vehicles for many years. I have a floor,...
UPDATE: Mine still seems to be going up. I've done 3200 miles so far, which puts me at the the quarter end of my 5th tank. Here's my average...
After reading the above, I now put it in between the open door and the top of the CD holder as shown a few messages above. Friction keeps it...
Mine seems to be going up. I've done 2300 miles so far, which is I believe 5 fill-ups so far (I'm near full at the moment). Here's my average...
This info is a little dated, but it's relevent. "With gas prices soaring, you, like many Americans, might be looking for the cheapest way to...
the funny thing is there is nothing uglier than the modern Beetle.
Just tell her that she does indeed look fat in her jeans and she was lousy in bed. that will always shut them up.
$4,000 for an HOV sticker??? where is this and why is this so high?
$22K for a 4 year old car? It's not worth that much, considering the buyer will still have pay sales tax to the state to transfer the title, more...