Separate names with a comma.
i got hydroedges, inflated to 50-48. i also made the mistake of getting a slightly wider size tire which initially hurt my mileage. not after...
Welcome to PC Duskrider!! I have several questions. First, what tire pressure do you use in 'em? do you have a engine block heater installed?...
if Toyota was losing money on the Prius, they'd take if off the market soon, or would have by now......
Agreed, the only one I know of was the one recently driven to capital hill (if I recall, only from a few blocks away, not from Detroit). Also,...
So, is the Volt now history? GM Puts the Brakes on $370 Million Chevy Volt Engine Factory : TreeHugger
I agree, that flow simulation is the coolest thing I've seen in a while!!
HOLY COW!! thats just freaking exciting!!! I wanna see, touch, feel, drive, look, smell, taste, wait, taste? What the hell, ok, I want one!!
Here's my Reply, Where's MY LOOT????? :D
Has anyone here ever lost the plug cap off your EBH?? I havn't lost mine, yet... but I started wondering if the plug caps were available...
Holy Cow!! you cant find one anywhere on a lot around western NC. I talked to a salesman at my dealer and he said they had 34 on order and were...
I wouldnt trade my SPM for anything..... Had it since '06 and when I run it through the wash, it still shines up and looks great!!:D
I couldnt agree more. the big 3 have brought this on themselves. Greed, mismanagement and the like have doomed them. even while other companies...
+1 yeah, what does this do?
yup, wrong Wayne. but FireEngineer was on, what was it, 60 minutes? I think? They're both stars!! :third: :peace:
just saw an episode of "living with ed" where bill Neigh invented a brush/mop to either dry clean or wash the panels.
Great!! i'm in..............:D
Ok, so I take my Prius into the dealer for servicing, oil change, filter, rotate tires, state inspection, winter wiper blades, and yes, the...
i gotta agree with the Doc on this one. probably at most 7500 over kbb........ but to a real prius guy/gal, maybe 35-40 grand?
OOOoooooo, and I thought these pics were real............
yeah, very interesting............