Separate names with a comma.
Yes, noticed the seam in the display on our new 05. At first I thought it was cracked, but on closer examination it is a seam. Not very happy...
I would definitely test drive it before buying it. If you can't find one at a dealer near you, make sure the deposit is refundable (should be,...
When I was noticing the surging feeling, I was going slightly uphill at highway speeds 65-70. It is not the shudder that I feel when the ICE...
Yes, I have noticed this also. I'm new to the Prius, only have had it a few weeks. Maybe it is the battery the electrical...
You don't understand! I am not holding up traffic in the left lane. I am going as fast as traffic will allow, which sometimes is UNDER the...
I assume, living in the San Fernando Valley, you have driven in LA traffic? I lived in OC and LA before moving to Bakersfield. ALL lanes are...
Give Oldhouse a break. While I don't agree he should slow down and irritate the flashers, I agree that flashing someone in a line of traffic or...
Congrats from one super white #6 owner to another. Looks like you really did well getting it under MSRP...I paid MSRP. You can do better by...
All of you people in the LA area who can't find a decent dealer should try Bill Wright Toyota in Bakersfield. Only a 1-2 hour drive, depending...
2005 Prius 2004 Nissan Armada (used for hauling trailer and 4wd/snow) 2003 BMW330i 1996 BMW M3 with Dinan Supercharger (husband's toy)
No mark up in Bakersfield CA. Bought ours right off the lot for MSRP, but think we got lucky. They just got a shipment of four cars the day...
Has anyone installed this as their ipod solution in the Prius?(see link) If I am reading it correctly...
No love for the super white? :cry: OK, I guess it is a boring color. I like blue, but like the others, prefer a indigo blue color. Picked...
To clarify my last post. I always move over if I see someone coming up fast behind me on an open hwy. I am talking about in traffic.
So you are the one that comes up in back of me when I'm going 70-72 in the fast lane (speed limit 65) and flashes me! I'm going over the speed...
Just got mine last week. They told us it didn't need to come back till 5K mile check.
Re: out of gas, out of battery, added gas but still won't st :lol: I think testing the limits of "empty" is part of the game some people play...
Thanks for the altitude information. We have a cabin at 8500 feet in Aspendell (in the Sierras near Bishop/Mammoth). Was a little worried about...
I am hoping there is some break in mpg improvement. For any of you that know west Bakersfield traffic, there is no such thing as "relaxed"...