Separate names with a comma.
Found myself multiple times. My avatar is a picture known affectionately around here as 'Son!' Get it? Huh?
Sorry, I have to nominate aerobatics for that honor! :)
Another Soundbridge devotee?
By the way, JackDodge, I found your subject line for this thread very offensive. I believe you're implying that union employees in general are...
There's a catch: When the majority have no more CHOICE due to anti-competitive practices employed by those such as Wal-Mart, they CAN'T RULE!...
I DON'T get enough poisons in my environment, so, to my diet I add: Jack and Coke White Russians or, if I'm feeling really macho, a...
I can tell you this much, you are absolutely safer on an airliner piloted by pilots with union job protection. That also goes for your family...
We've already been down this road. Search the forums for 'Target'. Target really is a much better corporate citizen than Wal-Mart. Wait, make...
Yellow lights save energy? I don't know, every time I see one, I FLOOR it, and my mileage goes down to about 8! :) Ah, I see, they contribute...
'This is Spinal Tap' :)
You really should head over to That Home Site!'s forums. Go to the appliances forum, and you will find lots of good advice. That Home Site!
Get her some calcium, STAT!
My old man is a television repairman. He's got this ULTIMATE set of tools. I can fix it.
Also as taxis I have seen them.
For what it's worth, I am white and I have been followed before getting pulled over about 1/2 of the times I have been stopped. But the rest of...
'Time payments' aren't inherently evil, they just need to be approached with caution and knowledge. We have good credit, and are actually able to...
I don't know, I LIKE my job! Just don't tell my boss!
Our Asko dishwasher new last year was off the bottom of the scale for consumption...
Why do maniacs buy the Prius? Easy: More MPG (Mania Per Gallon)!
These are all the reasons Squid is a self-solving 'problem'.