Separate names with a comma.
I don't recall that, but it certainly sounds plausible for a first-concept hybrid. What you describe is usually called a 'series hybrid'. No car...
I have to admit, my initial reaction to the '01 Prius was, "Hrm...kinda funny lookin'." I mean, in the end, it's just a sedan with a short nose....
*blink* Why does the EPA care how much the car costs? Seems...odd. Not that it's a big deal for me. The NAV system, like the SS/SE feature,...
The last thing I saw in the press was that the 2005 'model year' for the Prius begins in October.
I'm curious about this, myself. While I'm not interested enough to demand the feature on my car, I suspect I'm going to use it if it's there (at...
This is the solution I intend to use for my iPod if I don't wind up with the upgraded sound system. I almost never listen to cassette tapes, but I...
Way back when Pontiac first changed the style of the Grand Am from a box-with-angles to something much sleeker, I remember complaining that it was...
Thanks for the note, Dianne! This pretty well fits what I, at least, had already surmised, but it's good to hear it from someone relatively close...
Re: Standard FOB fails The more I hear of situations like this, the more I think that Toyota's rolling-code scheme for the starter system is a...
That's exactly where I'm at, as well. At this point, I have exactly one must-have feature -- the full airbag package. And even that I have to...
Am I the only wannabe Priusite in the world who honestly doesn't give a damn about SS/SE? :D
I suspect that Toyota never intended to keep the entire range of options in the first place; but were rather testing the waters to see what was...
No argument :-D
Actually, my understanding is that the 2004 has not yet made Toyota a profit. What's unclear to me is whether individual cars are not selling at a...
Frankly, the Prius is about the only thing that would get me to buy from Toyota. None of their other cars do it for me. I vaguely contemplated...
I'll agree with the last two examples as things nobody really gives a second thought to. I have trouble believing anyone, for example, would...
GM's psuedohybrid is basically just a more advanced battery and starter motor that allows the engine to be shut off when the car's at rest. I...
The Bloomberg article seems to be covering the same event as the later WSJ article. I'll agree with you that it's not a slavish reproduction, but...
OK. Here's the problem I'm having. On the morning of the 20th, the WSJ publishes an entirely speculative article based on anonymous sources...
I'm not. As I've already indicated, I agree with Toyota's initial strategy of having a unique platform (the Prius) as a testbed for the hybrid...