Separate names with a comma.
I'd had my Prius a mere five days. And then, I got T-boned in an intersection in downtown Minneapolis. Nobody hurt (!!!). $3k in body...
Re: One less Prius 9 available! 25+ is what I would have had to do between Tacoma and here, so I understand :-) Good luck! And yeah,...
Re: One less Prius 9 available! I almost wound up doing that :-) I had a line Prius out of Tacoma, and was starting to look into flying out...
I agree. given that my impression is that they did absolutely nothing else to lighten up the body of the car -- just took a normal Escape and...
True DRLs are actually significantly dimmer in 'daytime' mode. I actually have a 1994 Pontiac Grand Am that was apparently originally sold in...
Re: Thanks everyone! Now, can I find a used one in the sout You'd certainly think so; the trouble is, the allocations are more or less...
I agree that a $10k markup is insane. I also agree that a dealership that explicitly has a low-price guarantee and then won't honour it is beneath...
Altho' I might argue that this is a misfeature. Yes, it's designed to do that, but I think leaving the driver an option to only reset when...
And now, a correction: On Monday, despite some bizarre circumstances, I became the proud owner of a Seaside #3 :-D Haven't named her yet...
I multilisted -- once with a dealer here in town, once with a more rural dealer. The irony is that the car I'm likely to be picking up on Monday...
One thing that impressed me about one particular dealership I dealt with is that they would not let go of their demonstration Prius for any amount...
First: find a dealer or dealers you like who allows a refundable deposit, and get on the list. The allocations are vaguely proportional to the the...
On Monday, barring bizarre circumstances, I'll become the proud owner of a Seaside #3. Details in my LiveJournal
The fascinating corollary to that is how often I've spoken with dealers and clearly knew more about the ins and outs of their product than they...
(Not sure why this is in Audio & Electronics...) Keep in mind that the battery meter on the MFD represents a relatively narrow window on the...
Radio interference is a funny old game, really. Anecdote #1: There's a coffee shop near my house with fantastic, free WiFi availability, but...
Thanks for the notes! I've considered the 'openness' issue. For the moment, I'm mostly willing to risk it, altho' I am planning to at least...
Out of curiousity, from whom did you obtain the rental? Was it Toyota, or is there an actual national chain with a reliable Prius supply? :-D
Only one: if Toyota decided to give it to me for free :-D
Re: Update If true, that's auspicious for me. That's my birthday :-D