Separate names with a comma.
A Prius Miniscanner will read the codes (code reading/clearing works on all models, but monitoring of hybrid parameters only works for the Classic...
Still driving a 2nd hand 2001 with an 06/00 production date, 09/00 dealer delivery and 10/00 in-service date.. Over 200,000 km on it so far and...
Actually, the easiest (fastest, most convenient to apply) car polish I've ever used is Turtle Wax's "Ice".. Apply it in sun or shade, wipe on...
You can get wheel dollys with rotating casters that go one under each wheel, and then you can just push the car out of the line sideways into the...
Are you sure it's not Norton? I dumped Norton AV for Grisoft AVG and couldn't be happier.. Same with Norton Internet Security- dumped it and...
One lead going to the ignition is a complete circuit because the ground lead going to the battery is the other half... The power supply uses a...
Is it really a burnt smell or a mild phenolic (if you're old enough to remember warm Bakelite, it's a very similar smell).. The phenolic smell...
Ah, ok I see, you just switched the units.. 85mA and 90mA are the same ballpark figure for instantaneous current draw, but again, you can't just...
Bestas I can tell, I've put on about 9000 km since the last cleaning, but the point is that visual inspection of this kind of filter is simply not...
Easy- you get a check engine light and a P0171 code, but if you had a Miniscanner or a Canview, you could catch the condition much earlier by...
That 1.8W rating is for the panel left out in direct bright sun, the problem is when you put it under vehicle glass, you don't come close to that...
A 12V solar panel makes no difference at all to the MPG. What it does do, assuming you've got one with enough wattage, is ensure that the 12V...
The Ontario PST rebate does apply to used vehicles, so yes, by all means, do consider a used Prius.. I bought my Classic second hand a couple of...
Not to mention that the Wal-mart and other low-cost solar panels are of the amorphous type which have better infrared response (so they make...
I'm not crazy about the painted plastics used in the Prius vs. the original plastics used in the Classic.. Paints just scream "cheap", and they...
I also vastly prefer a set of good halogens to HID.. If you aim the headlights properly, modern halogens are as good as HID, but without the...
Most immobilizer RFID chips are quasi-passive devices, ie, they don't have a power source of their own.. They could be as simple as the resistor...
My problem with the JD Powers poll is that "Initial quality" has many items lumped in- as mentioned above, instead of purely focusing on...
On the Classic, the defrost mode does turn on the A/C, but the light does not come on..
The "Magic Eraser" is melamine foam.. ie the same very hard phenolic resin that your countertops are made from, but made in a foam. The foam...