Separate names with a comma.
I think it's less likely that Prii get into high speed accidents, but somewhat more likely that they'll get into low speed accidents, generally as...
My biggest complaint is the inconsistent performance- the car is so sensitive to temperature, wind, battery state of charge, tire pressure, etc...
No, a leak of any kind would still have resulted in a sudden non-functioning of the A/C- it would have continued working, but at degraded capacity...
The guy in the article should have his engineering degree taken away and burned.. He's forgotten his first year engineering- the ideal gas law...
Again, whether you might get better mileage from a higher octane fuel depends very much on what additives were used to boost the octane rating.....
Quick comment- the cabin air filter is *NOT* HEPA; it is a high efficiency filter, but not HEPA standard. A true HEPA filter has gaskets and...
I used to work in a garage and used to see this all the time.. The current year's cross-reference tables sometimes still did not list parts for...
The problem with paralleling battery packs is that the two packs must be exactly matched in capacity and charge level.. The problem is mainly...
On a 2002, the A/C is mechanical, belt-powered, so how is he "jumping" the compressor?? The first thing that should be checked is the fuses...
Check your tire pressures... This is what I do at the first indication of falling MPG- generally the car settles to a consumption figure of...
Actually, the Prius specs do call for 91 Octane fuel, but that's 91 RON, though.. In North America, pumps are labelled with MON+RON/2 ratings,...
Another vote for the "Ding King" kit.. You may end up repeating the glue and pull sequence many times, but it does work on any dent where there...
I used to have trouble with premature nozzle shutoff (and then I found these litte pills...) Seriously though, I got PO'ed enough at this that I...
More likely, the way there was slightly downhill, accounting for the better mileage, but that also means that the way back is then uphill,...
Send Graham an email- there's not much demand for a Classic Prius scanner nowadays, but he may still have enough parts to put one together for...
What about a set of fitted black mini-blinds that go on the *inside* of the window?? When the vanes are adjusted to horizontal, they'd basically...
All you need to do is change the sign to: "A/C is on to keep FEROCIOUS MAN-EATING GUARD DOG comfortable".. Both problems solved.. Of course,...
I want to see Venuzuelan gas prices at Citgo pumps.. I have a friend who owns a vacation property down there and gas is incredibly cheap.. He...
You most certainly *can* chirp the tires on a Prius, I own a Classic and can do it all the time, but it's one chirp and then the traction control...
I've never understood this obsession with teflon; it seems to be all a big advertising game and the only winner is Dupont.. As a protective...